In January of 2011 two Strong and Independent women had a vision to create an All Women's Motorcycle Club. With a lot of dedication and hard work from the founders and four other original members, the Femme Fatales WMC was born. The vision of the Co-Founders was to provide women with a Sisterhood that only women that ride could understand. It takes Strong, Independent woman to ride and own their own bike. Riding with a group of like -minded women creates a sense of empowerment and strength that they felt needed to be shared and encouraged throughout the female riding community. In May of 2011 the Femme Fatales WMC was officially born.
Women riders are few and far between, and this club wants to enable women to be proud to be female riders in this day and age. The bond that the Femme Fatales have is a true sisterhood, a sisterhood that not only gets to ride together but also give back to the community at the same time.